FARE (One Way)
FARE (Round Trip)
Sedan | 4 Seater | ₹3,716 | ₹5,440 |
SUV | 7 Seater | ₹4,435 | ₹7,556 |
SUV Luxury | 7 Seater | ₹7,875 | ₹9,381 |
Note: Fares mentioned above are indicative and may change depending on the exact pickup and drop location.
The distance from Delhi to Dehradun is about 275 km from NH334 which takes approximately around 6 hours.
Places to visit between Delhi to Dehradun route
Ghantaghar in Meerut
The Ghantaghar or clock tower in Meerut was built by the British in 1914. Around the area you will find many local markets.
Rohitash Farms
You can make a quick stop to get some air. This is also a great spot if you have packed meal and you want to have a picnic.
Located on the foothills of the Himalayas, Dehradun is the ideal travel destination from Delhi for a peaceful weekend destination after a long week of work. If you are a person that loves to dwell in nature, see sunsets and sunrises and loves cozy weather then Dehradun is the place for you.
Places to visit in Dehradun
Vehicle Type
Min Km Per Day
One Way Per KM Fare
Round Trip Per KM Fare
Driver Allowance Per day
(12hrs window) 6 AM-10 PM
Night time Driving allowance (10 PM-6 AM)
Sedan | 250 Km | ₹17 | ₹10.50 | ₹300 | ₹250 |
SUV | 250 Km | ₹22 | ₹13 | ₹300 | ₹250 |
SUV Luxury | 250 Km | ₹25 | ₹15 | ₹300 | ₹250 |
Premium | 250 Km | ₹35 | ₹20 | ₹300 | ₹250 |
Weekend and Holidays Peak Days/ Per Km Charges are 10% Higher than usual
Note: Fares mentioned above are indicative and may change depending on the exact pickup and drop location.
Get ₹50 off. Promo code - FIRSTTAXI
In case of any questions or queries, please call 080-45686686
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