Local. Airport. Outstation
Vehicle Type | Min Km Per Day | One Way Per KM Fare | Round Trip Per KM Fare | Driver Allowance Per day(12hrs window) 6 AM-10 PM | Night time Driving allowance (10 PM-6 AM) |
Sedan | 250 Km | ₹17 | ₹10.50 | ₹300 | ₹250 |
SUV | 250 Km | ₹22 | ₹13 | ₹300 | ₹250 |
SUV Luxury | 250 Km | ₹25 | ₹15 | ₹300 | ₹250 |
Premium | 250 Km | ₹35 | ₹20 | ₹300 | ₹250 |
Weekend and Holidays Peak Days/ Per Km Charges are 10% Higher than usual
Note: Fares mentioned above are indicative and may change depending on the exact pickup and drop location.
Get ₹50 off. Promo code - FIRSTTAXI
In case of any questions or queries, please call 080-69474877
or write to