Facebook Icon Quick Ride Carpool Technology for Enterprise engagement models

Partner with Quick Ride to change the way employees get to work

3 people sharing a ride in a car 4 people sharing a ride in a car 4 people sharing a ride in a car 3 people sharing a ride in a car

Why Partner with Quick Ride?

Our corporate programs are 100% free and includes marketing campaigns, presentations
& fun events for your employees.

Color blocks in a puzzle

Customized Solution

Customizable features for enterprises. Market Proven and Scalable Platform


Happier Employees

With Quick Ride, coworkers can connect, get to work faster, and find parking with less stress.

Graphic representation of 3 leaf and sky

Carbon Footprints

Achieve your sustainability goals by reducing your Carbon footprint through carpooling.

Improve Your Employee Commute.

Our city team is available to assist you in your day-to-day activities.

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See companies making an impact in reducing traffic

cognizant logo Cognizant 7125683 Kgs Carpool Rank 1
TCL logo TCS 4891116 Kgs Carpool Rank 2
Wipro Logo Wipro 3531604 Kgs Carpool Rank 3
Infosys Logo Infosys 3490165 Kgs Carpool Rank 4
IBM Logo IBM 3304281 Kgs Carpool Rank 5

Get free rides for your employees, and see your company climb the ranks!

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28,300+ companies finding better commute solutions with Quick Ride

“We have more than 30,000 Wiproites registered for carpooling through Quick Ride and as a sustainability initiative, we could reduce a huge number of Wipro employees cars on the roads of Bangalore contributing to some reduction in traffic.

Dhanya Kumar, Transport, WIPRO
Dhanya Kumar, Transport, WIPRO