Having Trouble? We are here to help

Here are some generic tips (and some specific to the Quick Ride platform) that we thought may help to increase your chances of finding shared rides, and also get rated favourably by your co-travellers.

Single man driving car alone icon Before joining the ride

  • Complete your profile with updated & accurate information
  • Provide your picture (and that of your vehicle, if you are offering rides)
  • Get the "Verified" tag on your profile – by registering with your official email address
  • Avoid setting extreme values of the cost per kilometre for shared seats
  • Post your ride as early as possible - this increases chances of others seeing you when they search for options.

People In Carpool Icon After joining the ride

  • Be punctual: on-time behaviour helps to contribute to a better ride-sharing experience, and such users get rated higher
  • Keep the other party informed in advance in case of delay
  • Use well known landmarks for pick-up/drop- off and easy identification, near the map suggested points, or use customized pick-up & drop-off locations of your own preference

Quick Ride is a car pooling and bike pooling application which facilitates ride sharing by giving a choice to user either to offer or find rides.

Carpooling/Bike-pooling/Ride-Sharing refers to the sharing of empty seats in a vehicle. People driving from one point to another can share the empty seats with others who would like to travel on the same route.

Using Quick Ride does not bring any extra vehicle on road. Instead, it helps in filling up the seats through ride sharings in already commuting vehicles that go empty.

Quick Ride is not a cab service application. Carpool givers in here are working professionals who commute to and fro in their vehicle. Since they are the only ones travelling in their vehicle, it usually remains empty. They want to cut the cost of travel by offering rides to other needy passengers.
Other carpooling apps Quick Ride Impact of using Quick Ride
Encourage adding new vehicles on road Does not encourage adding new vehicles on road. Our main aim is to efficiently utilize the "empty" seats of vehicles that are already on the roads Reduce the traffic congestions and total travel time for all.
Price is high and fluctuates a lot on a daily basis Price is very economical and does not fluctuate Pocket friendly (almost 20-25% of price set by commercial taxi providers/aggregators)
Route is not fixed and de-tours are unreasonable Route is fixed at the time of joining the ride No de-tours and unpleasant surprises
Cannot control who will be my co-riders You can see all co-riders in the ride view along with their ratings. If you don’t feel comfortable with any of them, you can unjoin the ride. Very transparent and more secure

Using Quick Ride, the user can invite people to join ride or accept invitations from other members. After completing the ride, the system allows user to transact through points with fixed per kilometre charges.

Quick Ride clearly differentiates the users with Verified status, after validating the corporate email id. Users can configure their social network profiles, so other users can make informed decisions before connecting.

Quick Ride is a platform that lets corporate employees travelling on the same route share rides, share commuting costs, reduce traffic and pollution, all the same time.
Carpool giver gets to share your petrol cost and network with corporate employees.
Carpool Taker gets to share the empty seats in colleague's vehicle and has a comfortable and eco-friendly commute.

It’s quite simple! Sign Up using your phone number after downloading the app. After verifying your phone number, enter your profile details too complete registration. You are all set to post your first ride and enjoy our service.

Yes, you can register using Facebook account.

After entering the profile details, including the corporate email ID, email verification is sent to the corporate ID. You can either enter the 4 digit code sent to the email to verify account or click on the link given in the mail which automatically verifies the account.

Before offering rides, you have to give the details of your vehicle which include the registration number and the type. After saving those details, you can offer a ride by entering to and from location details. If there are any ride seekers looking for rides in your route, you will get the notification asking them to invite for a ride.

Once your account verification is complete, you can find a ride by entering to and from location details. After posting the ride, you will get matches with carpool givers travelling in the same route. The start and end point of carpool giver, route match %, number of seats available will be mentioned. You can send an invite to ride with them.

When a ride seeker finds a ride by entering the location, he/she might get matches with carpool givers who will start the ride much before the pickup location of ride seeker. Route match % shows the ride seeker what percentage of carpool givers route is matching his/her route and vice versa.

User who wants to share the empty seats of his/her vehicle with others who want a vehicle to commute is called a carpool giver.

User who wants to join the already commuting empty vehicle of a person without adding another vehicle on road is called a carpool seeker.

After offering a ride, you get all possible matches of ride seekers who want to travel in the same route(partially or completely) at the same time mentioned by you. You can invite the ride and the ride seeker might choose to accept or reject it.

Surely! Why not? This app has been designed keeping in mind today’s corporate lifestyle. It works in real time considering the options at that particular instant. You can offer a ride whenever you want to travel and also change the time if required. The system will show all possible ride seekers travelling from or on the way to your destination at the time you have mentioned. You can choose your co-rider accordingly.

Such situations are quite common and we understand, so do your co-riders. In such situations, you can cancel the ride, at the earliest. Quick ride has a dynamic system and the ride seekers will automatically be matched with other carpool givers available. Please cancel the ride at least an hour prior to the scheduled ride.

The live tracking page is displayed on the map. It shows all the ride participants and their exact locations at any given point of time. You can use group chat option to chat with all the co-riders and coordinate the location. You can also directly call them on their phone number.

Sure you can. Select the days and time in which you would want to offer ride. You'll see the list of possible co-riders for that day at your mentioned time. Invite them for a ride or accept their invitations.

Please report the issue at support@quickride.in We are very strict when it comes to imposters. Necessary action will be taken against them.

After entering to and from location details, you can go to edit route. Google suggested route and other pre-defined alternate routes are shown. Tap any of the pre-defined routes. Tap at a point through which you want to travel. Google wish show the path to your destination through the point you have mentioned. Join existing ride after saving.

Based on the route set by the carpool giver, Quick Ride sets the pickup and drop location for the ride seekers. The ride seekers are asked to come to the nearest location of carpool givers route and join the ride. Carpool giver doesn’t have to go to the home location of the ride seeker if it does not fall on the specified route. The carpool giver or carpool-taker can further customize this before joining the ride.

Each ride provider can customize the fare per KM per seat at two levels:
Global level: Change the default value at Settings in offer ride price per KM and save. This value will be considered for all rides shared by the user, unless it is customized at each ride level.
Ride level: Just before offering a ride, tap the Settings button at the lower-corner of the app and adjust the value to desired value and then post the ride. This value will be considered for this ride only.

This situation might arise when the ride seeker forgets to check in to your ride. If the ride gets complete without the ride seeker checking in, then the ride seekers ride is automatically cancelled. To avoid such situation, make sure that the ride seeker checks in after getting in to the vehicle.

The points earned used to redeem for a petro-card that will be issued to you after the 1st encashment or directly credited to the linked wallet e.g. paytm. The 1st redemption request in petro card will take 7-10 days to process. You will be issued a petro-card and it will be delivered to you at your address after confirmation. All the points will be transferred to this card. Subsequent encashment requests will transfer the points directly to the card. You can use these points to buy fuel at selected petrol stations.

Quick Ride team issues Petro Card for each after the first encashment. These are HP Drive Track plus card, Shell and Indian Oil petro cards and can be used to redeem your points at any respective pumps for getting fuel. For any queries regarding the card you can email us at support@quickride.in

Once you have sufficient points to encash (minimum of 100 points for verified users and 500 points for unverified users), you can encash the points for a petro-card.

You will not be able to encash points in the following cases-
If the points you want to encash are bonus points received from Quick Ride. These points can be used only to avail rides.
If you do not have sufficient points to encash. A minimum of 100 points for verified users and 500 points for unverified users is required for encashment to be successful.

GPS is not necessary always. Its required only when you want to track Live Ride.

Default fare set and suggested by Quick Ride is 4 points / KM / seat. However, each ride provider can customize this to any value between 0 to 5. Total no of points per seat are then calculated using the following formula: No of points * Distance of the ride requested by the passenger

Yes, you can share the empty seat on your bike using our app, charge for the seat and share the cost in form of points.

Quick Ride sets a default of 4 Pts/km for bike pooling, but you can change it within a range of 0-6 Pts/km according to your convenience.

It would be advantageous for the bike owner to take an extra helmet while starting the ride, since the ride seeker/ pillion rider might not take bike rides on both ways every day.

This information can be mentioned along with the bike make in the profile. It will be visible to all ride seekers who want to travel with you.

You can recharge the wallet using CC/DC/Internet Banking, PayTm, MobiKwik and FreeCharge.

No, payment can only be done through Quick Ride closed loop wallet or available linked wallet e.g. paytm. No other modes of payments.

You can transfer the points to the carpool giver through My Wallet by entering the amount to be transferred along with the Quick Ride registered mobile number.

No, you can book only through App.

When someone chooses you as a possible co-rider you will receive an invitation for a ride through the app notification. You can then choose to accept or reject the invitation.

When the match notification pops up, you can tap on the “Invite” button to invite the carpool giver for a ride.

Surely! Why not? This app has been designed keeping in mind today’s corporate lifestyle. It works in real time considering the options at that particular instant. You can ask for a ride whenever you want to travel and also change the time if required. The system will show all possible carpool givers travelling from or towards your destination at the time you have mentioned. You can choose your carpool giver accordingly.

The live tracking page is displayed on the map. It shows all the ride participants and their exact locations at any given point of time. You can use group chat option to chat with all the co-riders and coordinate the location. You can also directly call them on their phone number.

Sure you can. Select the days and time in which you would want to take a ride. You'll see the list of possible carpool givers for that day at your mentioned time. Invite the carpool giver for a ride or accept their invitations.

After entering to and from location details, you can modify the number of seats you want below “To” address and then post the ride.

Pre-Check in is the procedure in which you can check-in for the ride before it starts. If you regularly commute with a carpool giver and are sure about joining the ride, you can do Pre-Check-in even before getting into ride. At times when we have constraints with data availability on the go, this option is given.

Yes, you have to check-in after sitting in the vehicle. Not checking in might lead to the cancellation of your ride after a certain period of time and it might cause inconvenience to you and your carpool giver.

There are no awkward cash transactions in Quick Ride. After a successful ride, points are automatically transferred from the carpool taker’s account to the ride provider’s account and a summary of the transaction is shown to both parties.

It is advisable to start and reach the pickup point before the pickup time mentioned. Since the carpool givers are corporate professionals, it would be indecent to make them wait for a long time and they wouldn’t want to wait for the ride seekers because of their busy schedule. However, a carpool giver might wait for the ride seeker for 1 minute depending on his timing.

If the ride is cancelled, no penalty is applicable.

GPS is not necessary always. Its required only when you want to track Live Ride.

Default fare set and suggested by Quick Ride is 4 points / KM / seat. However, each ride provider can customize this to any value between 0 to 6. Total no of points per seat are then calculated using the following formula: No of points * Distance of the ride requested by the passenger.

You can filter out the bike option from your matches in settings by changing the preferred vehicle as passenger to Car.

A carpool taker can pay for their ride by
1) Linking existing prepaid wallets to the Quick Ride registered account. Upon completion of ride, points will be debited fom linked wallet.
2) Pay later with Simpl. Carpool takers can avail of 'pay later' service offered by Simpl, on the Quick Ride platform. Carpool givers can link their Simpl account with the Quick Ride account.

Quick Ride is FREE to register and use. We charge nominal 9% as platform free for each ride for using the technology. Minimum of Re. 1 is deducted as platform Fee.

Quick Ride sets a default of 4 Pts/km for pooling. However, the amount can be changed within a window of 0-6 Pts/km according to the convenience of the carpool giver.

1 Point = 1 Rupee

There are no awkward cash transactions in Quick Ride. After a successful ride, points are automatically transferred from the carpool taker's account to the ride provider's account and a summary of the transaction is shown to both parties.

Default fare set and suggested by Quick Ride is 4 points / KM / seat. However, each ride provider can customize this to any value between 0 to 6. Total no of points per seat are then calculated using the following formula: No of points * Distance of the ride requested by the passenger.

For every successful shared ride, Quick Ride deducts 6% of the total points as QuickRide Platform Fee. A minimum of Rs. 2 would be applied towards platform fee.

The points earned Redemption is through licenced semi-closed PPI issued by Paytm or petro cards by Shell/HP for purchase of fuel. Mode of redemption
1) Carpool giver can link his/her existing wallet to receive instant ride points for each carpool.
2) Carpool giver can also request periodic redemption of ponts to his/her existing wallet.
In both cases, the carpool giver is paid after deducting commission(including GST) of Quick Ride Points are transferred to you by your co-riders at the end of every ride as per the per kilometre fixed rate.

Once you have sufficient points to encash (minimum of 100 points for verified users and 500 for unverified users), you can encash the points for a petro-card. It will be delivered to your address after confirmation via phone call.

You will not be able to encash points in the following cases-
If the points you want to encash are bonus points received from Quick Ride. These points can be used only to avail rides.
If you do not have sufficient points to encash. A minimum of 100 points for verified users and 500 points for unverified users is required for encashment to be successful.

You can encash your points through petro card as well as to PayTm wallet. Self declaration is required for PayTm saying that you will be using it for fuel only.

  • • HP
  • • Shell

Rs. 100/- will be charged if user wants to change their petro card from X to Y or One to Another.

Steps to Register the card on HP website
Call on HP Customer Care no-1800-10-39811, on asking please share the details as follows Customer ID : 2800000323; Control Card No: 2300007696 and mention your card number to know the balance. At Petro Bunk, Swipe the card > choose balance enquiry > enter your pin. You would get to know the balance.

Steps to Register the card on Shell website

No, toll charges should not be collected from Carpool Taker. It is Carpool Giver's own will to post a ride on the toll routes. Which means the fare paid by carpool taker is only the fare mentioned for the ride.

All users need to verify their phone no for registering with Quick Ride. Quick Ride clearly differentiates the users with Verified status, after validating the Corporate email id. Users can configure their social network profiles, so other users can make informed decisions before connecting.

Apart from all the verification, every profile depicts rating given by other Carpool giver/ Carpool taker. After every ride we request you to rate and give your feedback, this will help others to choose the ride partner.

Every time you book for a ride, you can choose the carpool giver you want to travel with. If one of the match is the same carpool giver you had travelled with and do not wish to travel with him again, you can reject the invitation sent by him/her or choose another carpool giver for your travel.

The system lets you decide who would like to travel with and when. As a woman Carpool Giver/ Carpool Taker, you can choose to travel with only women co-rider or person of your choice. You can turn on the same gender option in settings and post rides.

The system is designed on an 'Accept – Reject' process for every ride. If you are not happy with someone, simply don't ride with them again. You can also rate the member with the feedback. Regular low ratings automatically suspend that user’s account from our database. Also, send us an email with support@quickride.in or call at +918042063302. We take all feedback very seriously and reserve the option to suspend or permanently delete accounts if required.

Please report the issue at support@quickride.in . We are very strict when it comes to imposters. Necessary action will be taken against them.

Ans- You can change the settings so that no one can view your phone number. This can be done in settings by changing “Want to receive calls” option to “No calls, please!”. Quick ride also has call masking facility's to prevent numbers of users from being disclosed.

Quick Ride provides security at multiple levels:
Verified users: A Quick Ride user claiming to work for a company is promoted to "Verified" status only if he/she completes verification process on the official email ID provided by that company. Such users can be trusted better than "Not-verified" users. Use caution when you have to travel with "Not-verified" users. We strongly suggest you to set your company name and official email ID in your profile and complete the verification process. This will increase your chances of being accepted as ride partner by others.

Users from same company: Quick Ride can be configured to show ride partners from within your company only. To enable this option, go to Settings -> Ride match preferences -> Tick "Same Company" -> Save. After this preference is set, you will be shown only those rides that are posted by Quick Ride users from your company. Similarly, your ride will be shown to your colleagues only.

Users from same gender: Quick Ride can be configured to show ride partners belonging to your gender only. To enable this option, go to Settings -> Ride match preferences -> Tick "Same Gender" -> Save. After this preference is set, you will be shown only those rides that are posted by Quick Ride users of same gender. Similarly, your ride will be shown to other users of same gender only.

Average rating from other users: After every successful shared ride, each user is given an opportunity to rate the co-rider on a scale of 1 to 5 along with a brief feedback. Quick Ride shows the average rating along with no of times the user is rated. Prefer users with higher average rating and with more no of users having rated the user. For e.g., if there are four matched users to choose from:

  • • UserA with 4 stars and rated 90 times
  • • UserB with 5 stars and rated 3 times
  • • UserC with 4 stars and rated 50 times and
  • • Users with 3 stars and rated 100 times, prefer UserA over other users.
  • • See "Do's and Don'ts" in our website for tips on how to get better ratings from other users.
In spite of all these, when you meet your ride partner, if you don't feel comfortable sharing the ride, just cancel your ride or unjoin from the ride. There is no obligation to continue against your gut feeling.

Go to Profile -> Edit -> Click on current profile picture (if present) -> The system will give you an option to choose from gallery or click a new picture -> Save.

The points earned can be used to encash for a petro-card that will be issued to you after the 1st encashment. The points can be encashed in My Wallet section by entering the number of points to be encashed. The 1st encash request will take 7-10 days to process. You will be issued a petro-card and it will be delivered to you at your address after confirmation. All the points will be transferred to this card. Subsequent encashment requests will transfer the points directly to the card. You can use these points to buy fuel at selected petrol stations.

  • • If the user successfully completed 50 rides, Silver medal is shown on the profile
  • • If the user successfully completed 100 rides, Gold medal is shown on the profile
  • • If the user successfully completed 300 rides, Diamond medal is shown on the profile
  • • If the user successfully completed 500 rides, Platinum medal is shown on the profile

You can mail us at support@quickride.in or contact us on 080 45686686 to tell us about your issues and ask questions.

In "My Favourites" section, you can save your frequently travelled locations so that you do not have to type the location before posting a ride. You will automatically get the option of choosing from your favourite locations to book for a ride.

20 referral bonus points will get credited for both the referrer and referee, when referee completes the first ride with verified profile.

If the user is Carpool Taker, he/she can take 1st ride free with verified profile. When the user is Carpool Giver, then they'll get 50 points on sharing of 1st ride with verified profile.

Dollar symbol represents a new user in the platform. Share a ride with the new user and you'll get 20 bonus points when the new user provides a 5 star rating to you on completion of the ride.

Account Maintenance Fee is a small fee applied for the maintenance of Quick Ride inactive accounts. This is 25pts every week and upto 100pts for a month. This is applicable only for inactive accounts maintenance. Maintenance of accounts incur system and technology costs. Hence to compensate, the fees is applied.

This is not applicable when you link any 3rd party wallet such as (PayTM, Amazon Pay, etc.,) and pay as and when you use. The fees applicable only for inactive users, who are using Quick Ride wallet with purchased points.To avoid any fees, you can use the existing balance of Quick Ride wallet and link PayTM/AmazonPay etc., wallets for further usage.

Apologize for the inconvenience, please write to us at support@quickride.in with the reason as to why do you think you have been charged this amount incorrectly and we will take your case under consideration. Rest assured any incorrect charges will be refunded in full.